Old Paths Bible Church
Old Paths Bible Church

Welcome to Old Paths Bible Church.

On the day of Pentecost a new institution came into being: the church of Jesus Christ. The transition from the old covenant to a new covenant had thus been completed.

 The church is God’s vehicle, designed by Him to save, heal, instruct and preserve God’s people and carry them to the first resurrection.


The Old Paths Bible Church is simply a small part of the body of Christ, a group of people committed to pure and primitive Christianity. We are not denominationally affiliated. We consider ourselves “Christians” as we are IN CHRIST, and pray for the unity of believers in truth, in doctrine, in holiness, in the power of the Spirit, and in love. We preach the only saving gospel of the death, burial, ressurection, and revelation of Jesus Christ:  As He died, we die with him in repentance; as He was buried, we are buried with Him in baptism.  As He was ressurected, so we receive a new life in the gift of the Holy Ghost, and as He was seen after His ressurection, so He is seen in us as our lives are completely changed to be conformed to His image!

Because of our love for His word, we are committed to scriptural doctrinal purity, and stand for many important truths that are key to genuine Christianity, such as:

     Absolute monotheism -There is only one God!  God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.

The sovereignty of God- God is working through the actions of both the obedient and the disobedient to accomplish his purpose. Nothing happens outside of his control or knowledge and he has a predestined church which cannot be destroyed or plucked from his hands.


     The identity of Jesus Christ -He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature, the only begotten Son of God, the Word who was made flesh.

     The Holy Ghost experience as being the purpose of Calvary -  Jesus did not die on the cross to produce a church of semi-commited semi-believers; rather, He is building His church with the obedient believers to whom He gives the gift of His Spirit.

     Worship -The automatic expression of those who understand the hope of their calling.  It is neither ritualistic and dead, nor is it the orgiastic frenzied chaos now masquerading as praise.  It is a living, Spirit energized expression of praise reflected in songs, hymns, spiritual songs, testimonies, vocal response, extended meaningful fervent prayer, the gifts of the Spirit, the preaching of the Word.

     Holiness -A life of obedience to the law of God as motivated by a love for Him, his Word, and his people is the normal Christian experience.  It is recognized by the world in our attitude, honest business dealings, modesty and sex-distinction in clothing, rejection of worldly entertainment, and especially our love for one another.

     Doctrine - The teachings of the church which must be completely in harmony with the Word of God. Taking heed to the apostles' doctrine will save us, if we are willing and obedient. A life of scriptural revelation awaits the true child of God. "And this is life eternal, that they may know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3

We would like to welcome you to visit! Our current meetings are:


  • Sunday   10:00 am - Sunday School for children
  • Sunday   11:00 am - Church Meeting
  • Sunday Evening Service 6:30 pm - 1st Sunday of every Month fellowship meeting
  • All other Sunday nights: meetings held in various locations, including church or homes.
  • Thurs.     7:30 pm - Prayer and Bible Study
  • 2nd Saturdays of each month at 11:00 a.m. – Shape-note Singings (Call first. Sometimes singings are held at alternate locations. See current events page.)



From Bowling Green, Mo, take Hwy Y generally SW about 9 miles to Pike Rd. 410 east approx. 2 miles.

Message to You



     From the events that we see transpiring in the world, we recognize that we are in a time of transition. Change is sometimes necessary but many times very unsettling. One thing that does not change is the Word of God! Let's not be deceived by the changeable winds of false doctrines, political upheavals, spiritual delusions!

We must never forget that God is in control of world events, local events, and every personal situation! This is the time to unite with the people of God, the body of Christ, and to dedicate ourselves to living according to the word of God, and helping to accomplish His purpose.






We would like to welcome you to visit! Our current meetings are:


  • Sunday   10:00 am - Sunday School for children
  • Sunday   11:00 am - Church Meeting
  • Sunday Evening Service 6:30 pm - 1st Sunday of every Month fellowship meeting
  • All other Sunday nights: meetings held in various locations, including church or homes.
  • Thurs.     7:30 pm - Prayer and Bible Study
  • 2nd Saturdays of each month at 2:30 pm – Shape-note Singings (Call first. Sometimes singings are held at alternate locations. See current events page.)



From Bowling Green, Mo, take Hwy Y generally SW about 9 miles to Pike Rd. 410 east approx. 2 miles.

Special Notice

Shape note singing cancelled for the month of December

Shape note Songings

Shape note singing cancelled for the month of December

Shape note Songings

Contact Us

Old Paths Bible Church

Siloam Church

10115 Pike 410

P. O. Box 65

Bowling Green, MO



Phone: (573) 324-6720

Spread the Word!

This website is a means of connecting with people on the basis of truth, fellowship, spiritual edification or to instruct those who are just curious about the concept of "God". The Old Paths Bible Church is a home for people who are longing for non-contemporary, old fashioned church .  We are seeking to be more scriptural, more Spirit-led, and therefore more truly relevant.  If you are a distraught Christian tired of production, amplification, and showmanship, a seeker of sound, simple Bible teaching, or a non-Christian with an open mind to Christianity and a desire to find purpose,  we invite you to come seek out the "old paths, where is the good way and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls".

Pastor Tommy Schultz

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© Old Paths Bible Church